We are a UK Registered Charity (1147639) seeking to help train & support dedicated Christian leaders, building disciples locally, nationally and internationally.
Through our "Good Books for Asia" brand, for many years we have been able to deliver much needed training and resources into China.
Currently due to foreign exchange restrictions and other limitations we are unable to offer any formal support, whilst maintaining informal links of friendship.
We will always work within the legal limitations that are locally permitted.
We will only ever seek to promote good relationships between law abiding citizens around the Globe.
"Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's" Matthew 22:21
We are a UK Registered Charity (1147639) seeking to help train & support dedicated Christian leaders, building disciples locally, nationally and internationally.
Through our "Good Books for Asia" brand, for many years we have been able to deliver much needed training and resources into China.
Currently due to foreign exchange restrictions and other limitations we are unable to offer any formal support, whilst maintaining informal links of friendship.
We will always work within the legal limitations that are locally permitted.
We will only ever seek to promote good relationships between law abiding citizens around the Globe.
"Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's" Matthew 22:21
Good Books for Asia - Placing the Word of God into needy and grateful hands

A very special opportunity exists to help legally place the Word of God in remote and rural parts of East Asia.
Locally printed to the highest quality with National Government approval, tens of thousands of Bibles have been individually given out through partnership with registered Church leaders, verified one by one into the hands of Church members. Such has been the growth in membership and new believers in China that demand is high.
This project was suspended during the Covid pandemic and it has not been possible to restart it using the same model. Our contacts continue to be keen to re-start as soon as circumstance permit.
Trusted and approved local Christians organise the distributions and verify that God's Word is placed into the hands of those who cannot readily obtain or afford to purchase their own copies!
Locally printed to the highest quality with National Government approval, tens of thousands of Bibles have been individually given out through partnership with registered Church leaders, verified one by one into the hands of Church members. Such has been the growth in membership and new believers in China that demand is high.
This project was suspended during the Covid pandemic and it has not been possible to restart it using the same model. Our contacts continue to be keen to re-start as soon as circumstance permit.
Trusted and approved local Christians organise the distributions and verify that God's Word is placed into the hands of those who cannot readily obtain or afford to purchase their own copies!
Train the trainers - Study Materials & Resources for Pastors & Teachers:

The Church in East Asia is growing at a phenomenal pace. New believers need their own Bible to grow in the faith.
Teachers in Churches and Meeting Points week by week need tools and resources to feed their congregations.
Experienced elders, pastors and teachers are in short supply in rural locations. Many newly trained Bible teachers are placed in rural locations many miles from their senior mentors, and have the weight of responsibility of leading growing Churches, often without study tools that are beyond their financial reach.
Can you imagine a Western pastor preparing sermons without access to a good Concordance, Dictionary or Commentary? Providing Study packs to recently qualified pastors and teachers can have a multiplication effect - these individuals will be the future leaders of the Church and you can help them for many years with a one-time gift.
On a previous trip to China with GB4A, our non-executive President Stephen Gaukroger presented 50 Chinese Study Bibles to key pastors and senior leaders from a major inland Chinese province.
He commented "This teaching and training trip confirmed to me the huge need for local language materials for the Church in China today. It is encouraging and challenging to see such passion for the Word of God and to share the opportunities that exist to work with key leaders in the Registered Church."
Note: The owners of this site subscribe to the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Alliance, and are located in the United Kingdom. © 2024
GB4A is an operating name of The Thermosafe Foundation, Registered Charity # 1147639
Teachers in Churches and Meeting Points week by week need tools and resources to feed their congregations.
Experienced elders, pastors and teachers are in short supply in rural locations. Many newly trained Bible teachers are placed in rural locations many miles from their senior mentors, and have the weight of responsibility of leading growing Churches, often without study tools that are beyond their financial reach.
Can you imagine a Western pastor preparing sermons without access to a good Concordance, Dictionary or Commentary? Providing Study packs to recently qualified pastors and teachers can have a multiplication effect - these individuals will be the future leaders of the Church and you can help them for many years with a one-time gift.
On a previous trip to China with GB4A, our non-executive President Stephen Gaukroger presented 50 Chinese Study Bibles to key pastors and senior leaders from a major inland Chinese province.
He commented "This teaching and training trip confirmed to me the huge need for local language materials for the Church in China today. It is encouraging and challenging to see such passion for the Word of God and to share the opportunities that exist to work with key leaders in the Registered Church."
Note: The owners of this site subscribe to the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Alliance, and are located in the United Kingdom. © 2024
GB4A is an operating name of The Thermosafe Foundation, Registered Charity # 1147639